Monday, May 16, 2011


Price hike has been the eye catching poster on the indian street since 5 years,"We will control the prices and make them come down",some common words said by every political party of India.But why the prices have been coming up since these years,oh yeah not the fault of the politicians as they try to make them low but the prices themselves come up. But the question is why do they only try,much more can be done excluding this try.Between petrol has been one of the main domain of the price hike which has burnt many people of its price growth per year. Study shows that it increased 4 TIMES!!! yes 4 times in the year 2009-2010. Thats not a joke guys, its price shot up from Rs.48-Rs65! Petrol, as we know is the heart of the whole country as more than half of of the transport system depends on this stuff. Other 40 or 30% is driven by diesel and CNG.

Well as the prices are, the technology too is developing day by day. We've got great subsitutes of petrol such as CNG,BIOGAS etc.They have conquered half of the peoples' tention, yet has more to conquer in the coming 5-10 years.

A quotation in hindi now developed for the present politicians and their promises:-
"aj kare so kal kar, kal kare so parso
parso karke kya karega abhi pade hai barso"

Thursday, May 12, 2011


Child labour, not that unknown to us all,everybody is having some idea about that, unfortunately none of the idea is in favour of this stuff.And why should it be.I think those people to be the most sensible ones who take it as demerit, this is not a school competition so i would like to share my points briefly and in an ellegant manner:-
So the biggest point that goes in the demerits is,long hours of working and that by a child leads to the shortage of the time to study!!! According to a statical report average working hours of the children have been noted as 8-10 hours!!! And thats just the average!
After that another point that strikes, is the children dont even get time to even take care of their health and hyegene,they even get wounded sometimes working at dangerous places.
Another point is the burden and the suppression on their mind of their whole family as being the only one to make money for the family.....DEPRESSION goes on and on in their minds that is not good for a kid at such a tender age.
In india as far as the reports say that the number of the working children has been noted as 1crore 26 lakhs!!! THATS QUITE ALARMING!!!
We can compensate these children working in Diamond making factories,As house maids,in silk factories,fireworks factories,brick stocksand even making'beedis'(cigerattes)!!
Govt. has took many steps for it but nothing works,why????
Beacause its india,cant even imagine a rule being followed by the people of the country so how could this rule be foll